Disney Star Wars Movie Ranking/Snoke Speed Art

Hey Jack! I'm back, and with me another speed art. This one’s of ol' Snokey boy from his Last Jedi. Now, you're probably wondering, why are you ranking the Star Wars movies again? You already did that, silly! Well, this time, I'm just ranking the Disney Star Wars sequels and the Spin-offs. The Rise of Skywalker capped off a 43-year saga, but how does it rank against the other Disney movies? Let's go through them from worst to first to find out!

5. Solo

And coming in at number 5 is gonna be Solo: A Star Wars Story. While I had a fun time watching this in theatres, the bland look of the film is the biggest deterrent, and it just felt a little too check-listy, as if they decided to take everything Han ever said and made sure to include it in some way. They also added in forced ideas like an imperial officer giving him his name. And Alden Ehrenreich performance has the swagger of Han, but lacks the gravelly voice and Harrison Ford mannerisms that only he can pull off. So you get a film that is fun but doesn't feel quite right.

4. The Last Jedi

Okay, so I've changed my ranking a little bit since last time. Now that the whole final trilogy is out, it's changed my perspective on some of the films, and the one that suffers the most and feels the most out of place is Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I really like the force connection stuff between Rey and Kylo, and when Luke finally starts training Rey, things got a lot more fun, but all the casino stuff and scenes with Rose and Finn feel out of place. The slow chase scene in space is a little too lifeless for the Star Wars fan in me, and the back-story they gave to Luke felt like a completely different person entirely. Although, I do think this is Mark Hammil's best acting in the series. So while it's not a complete waste, I do think this one stands out the most, and since JJ came back for the last film, this one really feels out of place in terms of the story.

3. The Rise Of Skywalker

And right dab in the middle is Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Let me tell you, this film is a roller-coaster and feels like a speed run through a video game. Because I have the attention span of a bee, this movie kept me entertained. There was always something happening. The main characters feel like they actually have more of a relationship between one another, basically because there was a year long time jump between movies and they devolped them off-screen. Now, unfortunately, with a film that throws so much at the wall, not everything is going to stick, and since the last film didn't really set up a big-bad, they sort of had to rush the Emperor into the opening crawl. But I loved seeing Ian McDiarmid back in the role, and it was a real treat, every time he was on screen. Unfortunately, it sort of undermines Episode 6 and Vader's arc a bit. Another problem I have is Mark Hammil's acting and wig he wore. It really felt like he was burned out by the franchise and the wig was awful. Although I think the good outweighs the bad here and I have quite a lot of fun watching this film.

2. The Force Awakens

Coming in at number 2 is gonna be Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Now, this film set up quite a bit that got a lot of people – including myself – excited again for Star Wars. Kylo was a great character, a bit of an edge-lord living in the shadow of Vader. Rey was a lot of fun and it's hard to dislike her, she's an orphan who wants to know where her parents are and is discovering new powers that she has. Finn is also at his best here, a Stormtrooper deflecting from the First Order. And Snoke is a great creepy presence in this film. Harrison Ford also gives a touching performance, and probably steals the show. Not to mention the teaser ending with Luke got me super excited for the next two films. What dragged this film down in my original ranking is all set up, but after watching the next two films, it's clear it was unplanned and takes a little too much from A New Hope. It doesn't ruin the feeling I had for it at the time, but it has soured me rewatching it now.

1. Rogue One

And the best film in the Disney era of movies is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, in my original ranking I complained that the Vader hallway scene felt out of place compared to A New Hope, but that's really the most  jarring aspect here. The movie itself moves at a quick pace and introduces a lot of characters, some of which I like a lot. Galen Erso, K-2SO, and Krennic are all a delight to see on film, while, unfortunately, Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor were a little bland, and they're the main characters so it somewhat hurt the film. But the scale and epic look of the battles more than makeup for those flaws. The final fight is god-damn exciting, even though I already knew where the movie was more or less going, and it helps that it is a story movie that isn't weighed down by two weaker sequels. It's a one-and-done and is probably the easiest one to watch of the Disney Batch.

So that is my ranking of the Disney era! Feel free to leave your own ranking in the comments for this video, and if you haven't seen it, watch Emperor Palpatine's Animated Evolution. And until next time, I’ve been Aaron, and I’ll tell you something later!