Evil Dead Franchise Ranking | Bad Ash SPEED-ART

Hey hey hey! I'm back with another Speed-Art, this one of Bad Ash from Army of Darkness. So I uploaded The Evolution of Ash Williams and the other Heroes from Evil Dead to my channel not long ago, and for it I had to watch the entire Evil Dead franchise, I had seen them all before, but this is the first time I had watched them all through in order, including the Ash Vs. Evil Dead series and the 2013 movie, plus the newly released Evil Dead Rise. So since it’s still fresh in my mind, let’s rank up all of the Evil Dead franchise, including the TV series, right now! And just a quick note, I really don’t think this franchise has a bad entry, only entries that are either great or amazing, so something being lower on my ranking isn’t really me saying that it’s bad, it’s just that something had to be lower, so with that out of the way, let’s get to it!

Number 6: Evil Dead (2013)

Number 5: The Evil Dead (1981)

Number 4: Ash Vs. Evil Dead (2015-2018)

Number 3: Evil Dead II (1987)

Number 2: Evil Dead Rise (2023)

Number 1: Army of Darkness (1992)

So what do you think of the Evil Dead franchise? Feel free to share your ranking on YouTube and watch the whole video to see my reasons why they fall where they do!