Star Wars Speed Art and Film Ranking (Watto)
This ranking video features a speed art of Watto from Star Wars Episode 1. This is an incidental character (a character that typically appears for 2 to 3 seconds) from my original animation, The Evolution of Darth Vader
While I know that people are pretty mixed on the sequel trilogy, and universally dislike the prequels typically, I actually have a lot of fun watching all of the Star Wars movies. I like the Prequels for what they are, but I recognize that they have some major structural issues. More on that as we dig into the ranking!

10. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
At Number 10 I'm gonna have to place Star Wars: Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. Now I know I said I don't hate the prequels, but it is pretty hard to sit through this movie sometimes. While I like a good chunk of what they're doing, such as Obi-Wans side-mission, Christopher Lee brings a certain gravitas to his portrayal of Count Dooku, and I actually really like the music, Across the Stars in particular is a great John Williams track, but for the most part the acting is pretty wooden, the romance feels forced, and the digital effects just don't hold up. Now I know it was 2002 and that's coming up on almost 20 years, but I just wish that they used it a little more sparingly, the ending battle in Geonosis I think suffers the most with all the CGI Clones and Droids fighting with actors on Blue-Screens. But part of the reason the film looks like a downgrade compared to the original trilogy and even Episode 1 in my opinion is because they switched from filming on Film to filming on digital cameras for Episode 2, and the technology just wasn't were it needed to be to truly capture George Lucas's vision, but I applaud him for taking the risk, because partly thanks to this film they improved techniques for filming with digital cameras.

9. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Coming in at number 9 is Solo: A Star Wars Story. Now remember I don't hate any of these movies, and when I saw this film in theatres I had a lot of fun, but there just wasn't much of anything all that memorable, the characters felt bland, the shots and cinematography felt murky and flat, and Alden Ehrenreich, while fine just didn't feel like Han Solo to me, it's kind of how I look at Jack Lloyd and don't really see Anakin, because I better associate him with Hayden Christensen. It also doesn't help that the movie felt about 30 minutes too long, and the twist ending, while it was cool, it certainly felt a little tacked on. I heard that they filmed that scene in such a way that they could have placed any number of characters into the hologram. So while I don't regret watching it, I probably won't run out to re-watch it anytime soon.

8. Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Cracking the top 8 is gonna have to be what many people consider the best prequel, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Now for the longest time I too thought this was my favourite prequel, it's darker, the sword fight is well choreographed, we see Vader and the Death Star, and the opening space battle is pretty fun, but it just feels like a film that was more concerned with bridging the gap between the first two prequels and the original trilogy that it failed to truly shine as it's own film. Not to mention how Mace Windu and General Grevious were both wasted far too easily, and while I actually really like the scenes with Palpatine trying to persuade Anakin, the whole transition just happens a little too fast from angry Jedi to child murderer. But again, despite these flaws I really enjoy watching the movie, it never gets too bogged down in politics and moves pretty quickly, so if there's a scene that you hate, you only have to wait a minute or two to get to a scene that you maybe enjoy a bit more.

7. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999)
Coming in at lucky number 7 is gonna have to be Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Now when people talk about a movie with a good story but bad execution, I almost immediately think about Star Wars Episode 1. While the CGI was groundbreaking at the time, it does look pretty cartoon-ish by today’s standards, but it benefits from being shot on film as opposed to Episode 2. And while the story isn't as fast paced as Episode 3, I feel like it works pretty well in general. And yeah the political mumbo jumbo about trade federation treaties is probably some of the boring-ist stuff put in a Star Wars movie, but the light-saber battles and especially the Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and Maul battle feels like a highlight in the trilogy. I also think John Williams may be at his best in terms of musical compositions, and yeah maybe the Naboo Gungan battle should have been cut from the film entirely I feel like there's still some fun to be had with the chronological first entry in the Star Wars saga.

6. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Coming in at number 6 is gonna be Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, now when I first saw this I felt it was better than the Force Awakens, but every time I try to sit through it since it just feels out of place and out of tone with the other films. Maybe this wouldn't bother me if it wasn't a direct prequel to A New Hope, but it just feels like a film in it's own series. It also kind of has the same murky camera issues as Solo, but the Space battle at the end it a highlight as well as the beach fight with all the main characters. And while the final two minutes with Darth Vader is probably the coolest singular scene in any Star Wars movie, tonally it matches up horribly with A New Hope and character wise for Darth Vader he feels like a completely different person. In a New Hope he's like an old broken down horse while in Rogue One he comes off like a Pitbull off leash. But because I feel the film works pretty well on it's own that's why it comes in far above the Prequels in terms of overall quality, and that's why it takes the number 6 spot.

5. Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi (2017)
Rounding out the number 5 place is gonna have to be Star Wars: Episode 8: The Last Jedi. Not I know the internet is very divided on this film for one reason or another, but when I saw it in theatres and again when I watched it on Netflix I actually really like a lot of what Rian Johnson was trying to do. The shots and cinematography are beautiful, the CGI and puppetry is at it's best in the series, the kamikaze scene is hauntingly beautiful, and the throne room fight is one of the best fights in Star Wars, but where the film fails is on a character side of things. It takes the characters from the Original trilogy and the Force Awakens and makes them do things that they would never have done, this is especially evident with Luke who apparently just ran away to die and let the galaxy get controlled by the First Order, and also makes him a slapstick comedian half the time. And every plot-thread fans were interested in got dropped like a hot potato, like Rey's family and Snoke's origin, and also the Knights of Ren...where they at? But I did really like the scenes with Yoda and Luke and the ending projection scene with Luke against Kylo Ren was a nicely done sequence. Unfortunately it has the same issue as Solo where it was just 30 minutes too long, they could have cut a few scenes and had them end up at the same place I'm sure. But overall I think it's a little too hated, but I can recognize it's flaws.

4. Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015)
In line at number 4 is The Force Awakens, now like everyone I was there opening weekend stoked out of my mind for this movie, and I came out thoroughly satisfied. It didn't have the pacing issues like the prequels, there was no Jar Jar equivalent, and just over all they played it pretty safe. But they played it a little too safe, now the Last Jedi is what happens when you don't play safe enough and Force Awakens is what happens when you play too just comes across a little bland. While the action is fun to watch it just doesn’t have the same feeling as the original trilogy or even some of the Prequel scenes. And yeah there's been plenty of videos comparing it to A New Hope, but I think the main problem isn't that it's a clone of A New Hope it's that it just doesn't feel as real as the Original trilogy, despite having all the ingredients, I can't quite put my finger on it but it's just missing a little something. With that said I think it's still a pretty solid movie, Rey, Finn and Poe are all pretty good editions and I think Adam Driver does a great job in his role, I also like how Han Solo got the spotlight for this film and Harrison Ford seemed to be having some fun in the role again – but I think we'd all be having fun if we were paid 20 million dollars for one film. But overall it doesn't quite touch the original trilogy, which I'm just about to get to now.

3. Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983)
In the number 3 spot, I went with Return of the Jedi, while I think the film is a lot of fun and moves at a pretty good pace, the opening in Jabba's Palace does drag a little bit, and most of the Emok stuff feels inconsequential, but I don't hate the Ewok's, I think they're actually pretty cute, I just don't think they could take down the Empire with some logs and rocks on strings. So with the bad out of the way let's talk what's great, the second Death Star battle has some of the best space action in a Star Wars movie, Jabba's Palace when Luke shows up is a lot of fun, the throne room scenes with the Emperor, Vader and Luke are pretty awesome, and the light-saber duel with Luke and Vader at the end is probably the best in the whole series. I also like the scene where he takes his mask off and talks to Luke, I always thought it was a sweet little moment. Also the Victory Celebration song from the final few moments always gets stuck in my head, and I'm always whistling it, it's just a great piece of music. So maybe it's the weakest of the Original Trilogy, but it's still a great conclusion to their stories.

2. Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)
Number 2 is the original Star Wars. I've probably seen this movie 100 times, but even with nostalgia blinding me it does drag a little bit, especially the start with C3P0 and R2D2 in the desert, and the opening space battle, while epic looking in terms of showing the scale of the ships, it comes across a little quaint by today's standards. But looking past the obvious hallmarks of older film-making you'll find a wonderful cast of characters with Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and Obi-Wan, as well as the menacing Darth Vader. These are the reason why the original trilogy holds up so well, it has characters that we feel like we know and we want to hang out with and go on adventures with them. It also perfectly captures the feeling of being a teenager and wanting to move on to adult-hood, and why not watch a movie about good triumphing over evil, it's nice to have a happy film with a victorious ending, so if for some reason you haven't watched the original Star Wars go check it out, I think it holds up pretty well still.

1. Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Sliding into the number one spot is the sequel Star Wars: Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back. Now I don't think I really have any complaints about this film, even the special edition and DVD release isn't completely ruined like a New Hope, the added shots with the Wampa are nice and the exterior shots of Cloud City look pretty good. Empire builds on everything I loved from the first film and adds so much more texture and consequences to their actions, all the Yoda scenes are amazing, and the duel between Luke and Vader as well as the big reveal is iconic for a reason. The cinematography also feels top notch here, and they learned to light Vader and make him feel more robotic. And if I had any complaint, it may be that stop motion asteroid monster that tries to chew the Millennium Falcon, it always looked like a big oven mitt to me. But overall there's a reason people think this may be the best sequel of all time, it just works and builds so much to the already established world.
And that’s my list of every Star Wars movie. Does my list hit the mark or is is Batha Poodoo? Let me know what you think over on Instagram @tellitanimated!
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