Thor Movies WORST to BEST / Thor Love and Thunder Speed-Art

Hey Jack, I'm back with me another Speed-Art. This one is of the God of Thunder himself, and today I want to rank every live-action Thor film from my least favourite to my favourite. I just recently released his live-action Evolution in animated form on my main channel, so while Thor is hot in my mind I figured I’d get to this ranking. I also hope to do a ranking of all of his live-action suits at some point too. I'd love to know what you guys think so feel free to rank the Thor movies below or just let me know which one is your favourite. But enough gobbly-gook…let's just jump into it!

5. The Incredible Hulk Returns (1988)


And coming in last place is Thor’s first movie, The Incredible Hulk Returns, what can I say about this film, it’s definitely cheesy and works pretty well as a follow-up to the Incredible Hulk TV series, which I actually like quite a bit. I haven’t watched every episode but I’ve seen quite a lot of them. Unfortunately, the worst part of this movie is the odd choices they made for Thor. They kept the Donald Blake character from the comics who has control over him and can send him into his hammer and back out again, and he doesn’t seem to be a space Viking but just an ancient powerful Viking from Earth. The fight scene between him and the Incredible Hulk is also pretty cringe-worthy, but once they team up later on it gets to be a little more fun…but it’s still a pretty clunky TV movie, so let’s move on.

4. Thor: The Dark World (2013)


Coming in fourth place is gonna be Thor’s Second MCU movie, Thor: The Dark World. There’s nothing particularly bad about this movie, it’s just a run-of-the-mill MCU film with a generic villain. I do like Thor and Loki’s relationship here and that’s really what carries the film. Jane Foster becomes a pretty generic love-interest here, not like the first film was much different, but having her be the character that gets infected by the infinity stone seems a little bit like lazy writing to get her more involved in the film, but none-the-less the fight scenes are still fun and Chris Hemsworth still gives it his all.

3. Thor (2011)


Sliding into third place is gonna be Thor (2011), Thor’s introduction into the MCU was probably one of the weaker origin films, while Chris Hemsworth is great in the role, this is for sure the least fun Thor movie. It has a pretty meandering pace after Thor is banished to Earth, and the love scenes between him and Jane are pretty boring. Though some of the writing is good when they are talking around the fire, but it’s all just a little too much like Shakespeare in space to be entertaining for my own preferences. This film, like Thor: The Dark World, lives and dies on his on-and-off-again friendship with his brother Loki, and that somewhat carries this film into more re-watchable territory. It’s also pretty nice to see Anthony Hopkins playing Odin. He’s a great actor and the scene where he banishes Thor is still one of the best in his series, so all in all, it’s a little generic and bland but there is some good stuff to be seen here.

2. Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)


Coming in second place, and this might be controversial, but it’s going to be Thor: Love and Thunder, yeah it’s a little sloppy and the pacing goes by like a lightning bolt in parts, but the good makes up for the bad. Largely, Jane Foster and Gorr steal the show, plus I really liked Korg in the third film so I was glad they upped his character from a side-character to a main one. But the main reason why I put this above the previous few rankings is because I was never really bored when watching this movie, and the emotional parts of the movie still work pretty well. Sure, it’s a little over-stuffed and I wanted to see more Gorr, but as far as my own entertainment goes I was pretty happy when I left the theatre.

1. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)


And coming in first place has to be Thor: Ragnarok. It helped to redefine Thor as a more comedic character while playing down the Shakespearean-ness of the character. It also does a much better job of balancing the emotional scenes with the comedic scenes, helping to make the jokes land a little better. Plus, this teams him up with the Hulk to great effect, and Jeff Goldblum is a national treasure and does a great job as the Grandmaster. The action scenes are also top-notch, with the gladiator battle and final fight with Hela being the highlights of the film. Plus, the soundtrack is super nostalgic for 80’s lovers. And while some people may find the comedic version of Thor a down-grade, personally I think there’s more to do with his character with the comedic tinge rather than the earlier Shakespearean adaptions.

So that's my rankings of all of Thor’s live-action movies, let me know your own thoughts on the Thor films in the comments for this video. And until the next time, my name is Aaron and I'll tell you something later!